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Welcome to our Knowledge Hub! Discover the science and serenity behind EMF protection. Our products don't block the EMFs that come from your devices, they remediate the field that the EMFs travel through. We believe in empowering you with knowledge about EMF's and providing effective solutions for a more tranquil living space.

what is an emf?

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are invisible electric and microwave frequencies that carry information from one device to another. Many of the devices you use on a daily basis communicate using things like wifi, bluetooth, and electricity, all of which emit EMF radiation. 

  • 24 hours of cell phone use = 1,600 chest x-rays

    Study by German Professor Franz Adlkofer and published by the European Commission

  • EMF's are labeled a CARCINOGEN.

    • Group 2B ("possible carcinogen") by The International Agency for Research on Cancer and The World Health Organization. Group 2B is the same category as Round-Up pesticide, lead, gasoline, and engine exhaust.
    • Group 1 ("known carcinogen") by the BioInitiative Scientists
    • Group 1 ("known carcinogen") by Alasdair Philips of Powerwatch in the UK
  • We know more about the Bioeffects of EMF's than we do about smoking, and the harmful effects are considered much worse.

  • Children have 2x the DNA damage versus adults, and eggs in a woman's uterus get 10x the damage! More specifically, children absorb 2x the radiation and are therefore more affected by adults.

    Andreas Christ Study

  • Over 40 other countries already have Federal Laws banning Wi-Fi near schools, nurseries & much more. In 2019, Brussels became the first major city to ban 5G for health reasons.

  • Microwave Radiation levels in 2017 vs 2007 are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times higher!

    1 Quintillion times higher in just 10 years.

the most asked questions.

Can I avoid EMFs?

Radiation is dousing the earth from your neighborhood's Cell Towers, SCADA Poles, Smart Meters, and now we're being hit hard from low orbit 5G Satellites as well.  So you can be in the Rocky Mountains thinking that you are away from it all, but you are still being soaked with this radiation from above.  Simply not having a router or cell phone, and paying to disconnect your Smart Meter is no where near enough anymore.  We all need to address the elephant in the room (which is now the whole earth).

Are kids at risk?

Yes! Children absorb over 2x the radiation than adults do, and eggs in the ovaries of an unborn female fetus get 10x the damage.

How do these products work?

They do not block radiation!  First, if we did then your cell phone, Wi-Fi router, Bluetooth devices, and other technology would NOT WORK.  So blocking is not a realistic solution.  Second, we don't have to block it because we have found that the 2nd domino is what causes us issues.  We call this 2nd domino "Subatomic chaos" which comes when radiation is absorbed into solid material (like your bed, your chair, your desk, and you!) then changes into a new form of energy.  Our products address this "root cause", the subatomic chaos, stopping the effects done to human cells.

What are common culprits?

- Cell phones
- Wifi routers
- Baby monitors
- Laptops
- Smart meters
- Power lines
- Solar panels
- Google Home / Alexa
- Fans / air purifiers
- Kitchen appliances
- AirPods
- Apple watches

What are common side effects?

Common side effects of EMF radiation exposure include fatigue, headaches, sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties, immune system imbalances, sperm count / mobility issues and more. There is also evidence that shows excessive EMF exposure may be linked to Alzheimer's diseased, cancer risk, autism, and damage to cellular structure and DNA.

Are there studies?

There is more evidence that EMFs harm people than smoking does, yet the public is kept in the dark about it. Below includes sources of nearly 10,000 EMF studies and scientific papers, all done by non-biased organizations and scientists with no hidden agendas.

  1. BioInitiative Group -> https://www.bioinitiative.org/conclusions - (this is the best tab to start with - summaries of almost 2,000 studies here)
  2. Powerwatch -> https://www.powerwatch.org.uk/docs/aboutus.asp (like BioInitiative…been around for many years)
  3. EMF Alliance -> http://www.iemfa.org/ (Independent group of scientists & many studies, etc)
  4. EMF Scientist Group -> https://www.emfscientist.org/ (they have available 1000’s of studies they refer to on the Science & Policy tab)
  5. EMF Safety -> https://www.saferemr.com/ (check Archives on right)
  6. There are many more but you get the picture!

Video 1: How EMFs Harm people & How Products work to remediate them

Video 2: The Greatest Breakthru in EMF History 

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