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We are dedicated to providing effective EMF protection products and services designed to enhance your well-being. If you have any questions, require more information about our products, or seek personalized advice on managing EMF exposure, our team is here to help. Feel free to reach out to us using the contact form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Your journey to a calmer, more balanced living space begins here. Thank you for choosing Calm EMF.

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  • Louise H.

    It’s been nearly six months since my husband and I received our bands. We are so impressed with the results. Within the first 24 hours after putting them on, the terrible (tension) in my foot and hip that I’d had for two months were completely gone …But by day seven my back (tension) was reduced quite significantly. And my (recurring (head tensions)) are farther between with much less severity most of the time and I experience far less brain fog and much better cognition. We’re so grateful for your products. Thanks a million.

  • Camielle L.

    Since remediation of the house, my husband doesn’t get massive recurring (head tensions) (the Smart meter is right behind his pillow). My 3 year old is much calmer in the house. Before he used to get wide eyed, wild ultra-hyper, couldn’t calm himself. Now, he doesn’t get like that at all at home. When were somewhere that’s not remediated, he begins losing focus and has more frequent behavior issues. I’m waiting to see what other changes we will have. Thank you for helping us!

  • Grace C.

    I use to get tension in the head area often, but ever since you fixed my house w/ the box on my electric meter, I haven’t had a single one. It’s been over a month.

  • Peter B.

    Just wanted to let you know that since wearing the personal card I’ve noticed decrease in the frequency and intensity of (twinges) and tingling in my right shoulder.

  • Jennifer C.

    Thank you for your products! I’ve been dealing with insomnia for 3 years, after remediating my home with your products, I slept: 14 hours that night!! The next night I slept 12 hours. And every night after that I’ve slept at least 8 hours. I notice my SLEEP IS DEEPER, MORE RESTFUL, AND I’M DREAMING AGAIN! I feel like I’m getting myself back! Thank you!

  • Sarah H.

    I learned about the radiation in my home and how it could be affecting (my son) and myself. (My son) is now communicating at a new level. He pronounces words with ease and has conversations with me about things and shows that he can learn effortlessly. This was not the case a week ago. It’s like a cloud lifted and we get to see our son for the first time. His sparkles in his eyes are much brighter and he shows so much excitement for his “new world.” Just last night he noticed that his name was spelled on the wall and he was so excited to see it and pronounced all the letters…He just needed to end the assault of the EMFs on his little body. Thank you thank you thank you. A million thank you’s!!!

  • Amy S.

    I am so surprised and amazed- I wore my personal card all weekend for my Army Reserve duty last weekend. Usually after my weekend, when I get home, I am so tired and run down and always get a huge recurring (head tension) that won’t go away until I sleep, and sometimes it evens remains the next day. But this time I didn’t get a recurring (head tension)!! I really couldn’t believe it – When I got home, I had enough energy to make dinner and play with my kids, with no (head tension) whatsoever!! I’m so thankful!!

  • Ben F.

    Since using your product I have been sleeping and feeling much better. The tingling in my arms while holding my phone has disappeared. The whole house has a much better feel. I have more energy and my wife and I have started working out again with the better sleep and extra energy it is much easier to accomplish goals. The products work great and even made sure we took them to Tahoe.

  • Dr. Bridget A (N.D.)

    As a Naturopathic doctor I use all the tools to support my family. However there were stubborn areas in our health where I was not seeing enough improvement. I purchased the total house remediation package to protect our family but I was pleasantly surprised at the results! After 45 minutes with all of the products an old chronic injury released and the (tension) I experienced daily has disappeared. My children (6 and 4) are sleeping through the night for the first time ever and my occasional (sleep issues) has resolved. I highly recommend these products.

  • Judy S.

    I can feel the peace and calm after the storm! Oh my gosh what a difference to have a peaceful night sleep. I am forever in gratitude! I didn’t know I had any issues with my sleep (routine) but after last night I realiz(ed) that I haven’t had a good night’s sleep until then.

  • Rachael B.

    The remediation on my cell phone is tremendous difference. I am psyched about that. Also loving the EMF personal card. Sleeping well with the Better ZZZ’s although it took me a minute to get used to it. I think I did a detox. The car plug in is really good too!

  • Michele A.

    Unexpected. My cat seems to be way more energetic and present, since you did your magic. He is 14 years old and has been sleeping a lot. And he sleeps by the Wi-Fi box. In the last three days he has woken me up in the morning, is sleeping less and playing more. He’s even been going outside and patrolling the perimeter for invaders. It’s amazing!! I’m still feeling great!! Sleeping way better!! I am incredibly impressed with what you are doing and I hope to help others make this shift as well.

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