calm emf blog.

Wifi radiation risks and how to avoid it.

Wifi radiation risks and how to avoid it.

To call wireless connection the lifeblood of today’s digital world would not be blowing it out of proportion. Wireless networking has become a way of life for the tech-savvy modern...

Wifi radiation risks and how to avoid it.

To call wireless connection the lifeblood of today’s digital world would not be blowing it out of proportion. Wireless networking has become a way of life for the tech-savvy modern...

Cell Phone Radiation Cause Dementia says Gov’t agencies (NIH, ICNIRP)

Cell Phone Radiation Cause Dementia says Gov’t ...

The National Institute of Health (NIH) published a study by the International Commission of Non-Ionization Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Of course, this study got little attention even though its conclusions were...

Cell Phone Radiation Cause Dementia says Gov’t ...

The National Institute of Health (NIH) published a study by the International Commission of Non-Ionization Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Of course, this study got little attention even though its conclusions were...

6G coming soon? What does this mean to you?

6G coming soon? What does this mean to you?

HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS We at EMF Solutions are totally confident that our products will not only work on 6G and all other Non-Ionic frequencies (below X-Ray levels basically), but...

6G coming soon? What does this mean to you?

HERE’S THE GOOD NEWS We at EMF Solutions are totally confident that our products will not only work on 6G and all other Non-Ionic frequencies (below X-Ray levels basically), but...